Choosing to work in a foreign country is never an easy decision. It has never been and will never be.
Considering working abroad?
We all have that rosy picture at the back of our minds illustrating the beauty and admiration of how wonderful life could be living alone abroad.
However, reality only starts to kick in when you share this news with your friends and family about your plans to live and work abroad. Often, their reaction may not be positive.
It is commonly known to face varying questions such as “how are you going to afford it?”, “will you be able to take care of yourself” and “where will you live?”.
Alternatively, if you are lucky, they may support your decision and encourage you to pursue that endeavour.
Overcoming obstacles in the journey
We embrace and take those sweeping statements and questions with a pinch of salt in all scenarios. It is ultimately up to us to determine our path in life. Of course, nothing is perfect, and adversity is unavoidable.
But, it is how we overcome adversity that makes a difference. Every challenge manifests itself in a unique way. When we overcome them, we gain satisfaction because it shapes not only our will, but also our confidence, and ultimately our ability to adapt this experience to confronting future obstacles.
I must admit that packing and traveling abroad for work is not an easy task. Thousands of mind-boggling scenarios may suddenly appear, discouraging you from taking that leap of faith. However, always look on the bright side of things. Consider how this journey will profoundly influence your professional and personal development. In any case, keep a positive attitude!
Real-life example
We are delighted to have May Khine with us to share her story. She started her first full-time career with Elitez, it sure aren’t all smooth sailing but she overcame many adversities and emerged as a very consistent contributor to the organization!
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