Excel throughout your entire interview process

Competition has become stifler. No matter how experienced a job seeker is, he/she will always have to outshine the competition. No matter how skilled, hardworking, and confident one may be, the vulnerability of failing still haunts us all. In order to impress the recruiter or hiring manager and advance in the recruiting process, there are a few things you should do before, during, and after your job interview. Remember..

Preparation, Practice and Positivity!

The advice provided here will help you feel composed, prepared, and ready to ace your interview and land the job you desire.

Before the interview


Do your own due diligence! Know exactly where you’re going and what to anticipate there. Before the big day, do some research on the organization you are interviewing with. Try to comprehend what they do, their organizational structure, reason for existing, objectives, and any recent achievements. Their website contains a wealth of information regarding the corporate culture.

You can ask questions on topics that interest you or any aspect of the business that is unclear once you have a general understanding of what the firm does. Additionally, it demonstrates that you are a motivated and involved applicant already.


Review your CV before the interview, but avoid memorization and speaking robotically about your prior experiences. Make sure your resume highlights the soft and technical abilities needed for this position and is in alignment with the job description.

Consider your history and your experiences, and then mention anything that would be of interest to the interviewer. Make sure your accomplishments are backed up by facts and numbers, and give specific examples of how you contributed to your present position.

During the interview

Be yourself and keep calm

While some stress could help you stay focused, too much of it isn’t beneficial. On the other hand, avoid adding to your anxiety by trying too hard to relax as it will only increase your anxiety. All interviewers are aware that some level of tension is appropriate in this circumstance.

Make use of this tension, but don’t allow it rule over! The simple trick is to fill your mind with positive thoughts. Positive thinking truly does have power, so try to picture the greatest situation for your interview. Imagine walking into the room with a cheerful attitude and answering questions in a confident manner. Keep in mind that they would not have asked you to the interview if you weren’t qualified. Be your best self without trying to be someone else.

Start doing the job already

This might sound strange to some. However, start doing the job by providing them with a well-thought-out plan of action to achieve the business objective. Interviewer will be taken aback by a candidate who not only had done her homework but also had the ability to spell out in detail how she would add value the company. You have a competitive advantage over other applicants if you are ready to start the position as soon as possible.

Takeaway: What can you do to demonstrate that you’re already planning forward as though you are starting the job tomorrow?

Highlight your other skills and experiences

Candidates can differentiate themselves by highlighting other skills and experiences.

An applicant with experience in logistics impressed the interviewers for a position in professional services by suggesting, for instance, certain ways they might optimize their service delivery procedures. He distinguished himself from other interviewers thanks to his distinct viewpoint.

Takeaway: What other skills/experience can you draw upon to help you in your job search and interview?

Bring out your creative side

The creative and advertising companies have specific instances where applicants have to use their skills to differentiate themselves.

Salespeople have been known to use a commercial pitch to demonstrate their competence. Additionally, creatives have presented their credentials in a wide range of bizarre and outlandish ways.

One aspiring marketer launched her own “hire a boss” website. She outlined the position, organization, and management qualifications, garnered media attention for her efforts, and ultimately landed her ideal job.

Takeaway: Of course, not every industry or area warrants or even encourages going to such inventive lengths. The appearance and feel of your slide deck or the creation of a technologically advanced personal CV site are just two examples of how you may employ creative presentation to stand out from the crowd.

Demonstrate some resilience and grit

Technical proficiency and appropriate industry experience are prerequisites for many senior posts. Beyond that, though, what employers frequently seek out these days is proof of softer talents like grit and tenacity.

The capacity to overcome setbacks and draw lessons from hardship is a particularly important trait in today’s business. It demonstrates your ability to adapt and cope in a world that is changing quickly due to technology. Employers are seeking for anecdotal proof of your capacity to endure and grow in such a setting since businesses nowadays confront continual change, frequent restructuring, and continuing transformation.

Takeaway: What examples can show that you have handled change and adapted?

Show good attitude and Demonstrate a Growth Mindset

Often, applicants lack the necessarily qualification to land those jobs. So how did they end up landing the job? What does the employer see in them?

Learning agility, which is a readiness and passion to change with the times, pick up new skills, and grow into new areas when company requirements and goals change, is a similar soft talent that, may help you stand out from the crowd. You must be able to show that you are ready and able to learn new skills, adapt to new difficulties, and take on new working patterns

Companies invest money on talent acquisition, so it stands to reason that they employ not just for the now but also for the future. Therefore, use anecdotes that are based on actual events to show that you are a flexible learner and that you are willing to push yourself.

Takeaway: What examples can you give to show you are a candidate who is earnest about learning new things and that you will be a valuable employee to your company not just now but also in five or 10 years?

After the interview

Simply follow up

Extend your gratitude to the interviewer, a simple yet effective technique to stand out from the crowd and outperform other candidates. Thank your interviewer for their time and the chance by sending a brief email in response. You might also say that you’re eager to hear any updates and inquire as to when the next stage of the procedure will occur.

One should not be afraid of rejection, as we all know “Failure is the stepping stone to success”

Reach out to us for more job opportunities and discover more useful advice on how to ace your next interview and land your desire job.